Paper theatre performance Jeanne de Clissonin juliste

TEHDAS Teatteri: JEANNE DE CLISSON – A Bloody Nautical Vengeance Tableau

4.-18.12.2021, Turku I

Jeanne de Clisson tells the story of a 14th-century pirate. After the unjust execution of her husband, she sets off on a 13-year retaliation voyage against the King of France.

During her rampage she kills all the French noblemen that sailed on her course with her own axe. Does she drown in her own vengeance, or does she sail the floods of blood she sheds?

The performance tears down the myth of non-violent women. It uses traditional paper theatre and automata as techniques.

*The term Automata derives from Greek word αὐτόματα, meaning self-operating. Automata is an abstract machine that automatically follows a predetermined sequence of operations.

Photo: Maija Kurki

Performances: Sat 4 December at 19:00 PREMIERE Sun 5 December at 15:00 and 19:00 Wed 8 December at 19:00 Fri 10 December at 19:00 + Drink n’ Draw-nite Sat 11 December at 19:00 Wed 15 December at 19:00 + Revenge letters -club Thu 16 December at 19:00 Fri 17 December at 21:00 late nite performance Sat 18 December at 19:00 Performances at TEHDAS Teatteri foyer, Itäinen Rantakatu 64, Turku

The performances are in Finnish but can be understood by non-Finnish speakers as well.

On Friday 15 December a club including live music and creative writing is held after the performance. Free entry. Sign up for the club beforehand by mailing:

Age recommendation: 15+ Duration: 40min Tickets: 20€/15€, available for sale via Tiketti Language: Finnish Jeanne de Clisson Facebook-event WORKING GROUP: Direction: Lee Lahikainen Manuscript and music: Reetta Moilanen On stage: Helena Markku, Reetta Moilanen Costume design: Sirpa Järvenpää Light design: Irene Lehtonen