Premieres in 2024

Aikuiset ja nuoret

Erika Malkki: Pohjatar

23. & 24.2.2024 Helsinki I Strong and empathic solo performance about finding one’s own strength. Siellä on lohtu ja rauha, irtipäästäminen, hiljaisuus lauha – ja

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Touring performances in 2024

Non-verbal or in English


TheatreQo: Peephole

FOR CHILDREN An ode to playfulness, neighbours and staying home! An Aeroplane flies inside a rain cloud. Below the rain cloud flies a seagull,

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Dirty Duckling: Ariadne – A Mess

22.–23.8.2024 Stockholm, 28.9.–5.10.2024 Turku, 12.10.2024 Berger, Norway I A puppetry solo by Dirty Duckling, specifically Merja Pöyhönen is a skillfully woven one-woman-mess with ugly puppets in

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Premieres in 2023