3. November at 6 and 8 pm at Turku City Theatre
Poor Butterfly is a tragicomic story about a woman waiting for her lover to return. The story is told by two clownlike characters combining physical comedy, puppetry and music. Live music is played on stage by using both traditional and inventive instruments. Poor Butterfly derives its inspiration from Giacomo Puccini’s classical opera Madama Butterfly.
Distressed poor Butterfly constantly awaits her fiancé while trying to understand the meaning of her anticipation. She struggles with the enormous questions about love and passion and her endeavors are accompanied by the maid Suzuki.
From a modern perspective, there are some absurd, yet familiar aspects in Butterfly’s story. Sacrificing oneself and life for so called love is one of the most obvious: is it really love if it shrivels life? Shouldn’t love on the contrary enrich it? The performance criticises the puritan vision of a passive and one-dimensional woman who sits in her tower peering at life happening somewhere else.
Moreover can the performance be viewed as interpreting desolation and solitude, even depression and other mental health disorders. In any case it is a story about finding courage and self-respect.
Performances: Wed 3 November at 6 and 8 pm, Sopukka stage at Turku City Theatre Itäinen Rantakatu 14 Duration: n. 1h Age recommendation: 13+ Language: nearly wordless (English, Finnish) Tickets: 19 / 29 € Turku City Theatre / Lippupiste

WORKING GROUP Concept and on stage: Erika Malkki Composition and on stage: Aino Lehtovaara Costume design: Marjo Haapasalo Photography: Arttu Lehtovaara