Turku International Puppetry Festival, in short TIP-Fest is an annual international festival dedicated for puppetry. The festival celebrating and visual theatre is held in Turku, the puppetry capital of Finland.

TIP-Fest 2.-6.11.2022 – New Beginnings

This November the 13th edition of Turku International Puppetry Fest celebrates Aura of Puppets turning 10 years; a new decade brings new insights and processes for the puppetry professionals network. The festival gathers the latest and most interesting local performances on different stages in the city of Turku. Some of them are seen for the first time since many premieres as well as performances have been waiting their time during the pandemic: now they are to be released in the limelights and shared with the audience. After all it is the interaction with a live audience that finally brings a puppetry performance to life.

TIP-Fest celebrates a whopping six premiers: Nurinpäin kollektiivi’s Invisible, Antti-Juhani Manninen’s solo Ridiculousness, Tainaron by TEHDAS Theatre & Niina Lindroos, Jenni Rutanen & Co. Voyager and Theatre Qo’s Tea for Two and Obsession by Lee Lahikainen & co.

This year’s edition is also an international platform for Finnish puppetry performances. The programme consists of pieces that aim for touring around the world and most of the curated performances are without words or nearly wordless elaborate displays of visual theatre.


Festival tickets are now for sale!

Get yours from Holvi Web Shop!

Tickets for The Birds and Ridiculousness are sold from Turku city theatre

Tickets for Be My Querelle and Before Thumbelina are sold from Åbo Svenska Teater 

Tainaron tickets from Tehdas Theatre

Photos from TIP-Fest 2022

Photos: Jesper Dolgov

Festival programme 2022

TIP-Fest performances


Lovely little Sparrow flies over to Manilla courtyard to meet the festival guests on Saturday at 9 pm. This lit giant puppet brings beauty and

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Jenni Rutanen & Co.: VOYAGER

Contemporary puppetry performance from the backyards of imagination and reality. “… true freedom can only be attained through weightlessness.” Viktor Pelevin, Omon Ra VOYAGER is

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Dirty Duckling: FUNNY

The Best Puppet Show Ever Made Dirty Duckling’s performance FUNNY is made of Finnish puppeteers’ burning desire to conquer the theatre world. It consists of

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Contact information:

Festival is produced by Puppetry network Aura of Puppets. The programme is mainly invitation-based and the curational timeline is approx. two years.
TIP-Fest Artistic directors: Roosa Halme, Anna Nekrassova and Outi Sippola: tipfest@auraofpuppets.com

Producer: Lotta Valtanen lotta@auraofpuppets.com, +358 41 486 1222

Professionals & guests: Sanna Soni, sanna@auraofpuppets.com

Outi Sippola, Roosa Halme & Anna Nekrassova

Festival is supported by:
Main partners: Pro Manillasäätiö, TEHDAS Theatre
Sponsors: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Turku, Finnish Cultural Funds  Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund, Turku Theatre Foundation, Ministry of Education and Culture.

The artistic director of TIP-Fest in 2023 and 2024 is pupptetry artist and director Ishmael Falke ishmael.falke (at) grusgrus.fi

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