You are currently viewing Elina Lajunen: TangO

Elina Lajunen: TangO

A short film about puppeteer Elina Lajunen‘s tango travels around the world, as well as mental landscapes. Argentine tango contains the whole world. Abrazo, a tango hug takes you in its arms. The hug evokes joy, longing, sorrow and hope. Tango leads and follows like the sea or life. It hurts, strikes, caresses and foams, and breathes this moment. In the end, life itself is the most important dance to dance.

TangO is inspired by Laura Lindstedt‘s novel Oneiron. In the novel, seven women from around the world share their stories in an empty white space after their death. There is just one woman in TangO, but she traveled through the seven countries of Oneiron and wrote letters about her experiences to composer Timo Alakotila. These letters became the source of TangO.

TangO premiers during TIP-Fest on 5 November at Festival club.

WORKING GROUP Idea, script, collages, performance and direction: Elina Lajunen Filming, editing, collages and their implementation, sound design: Jussi Virkkumaa Composition and piano: Timo Alakotila Expert assistance of visual narration: Heini Maaranen

Screening on 5 November at the Festival club starting 21:00 in Manillan Vanha viinatehdas, Itäinen Rantakatu 64.
Duration: 12min
Age recommendation: 13 +
Free entry