Tehdas Theatre & Alma Rajala: Pandora – Opening
6.10.–14.12.2024, Turku |Welcome to the feast of the gods, where the gods are gone. And none of us should be here either… A feast forsaken by the gods, a forbidden after-party…
6.10.–14.12.2024, Turku |Welcome to the feast of the gods, where the gods are gone. And none of us should be here either… A feast forsaken by the gods, a forbidden after-party…
25.10.–24.11.2024, Turku“How similar are we in the end.” Tehdas Teatteri dives once again into the uncharted waters of theater art! The performance Toiset kaltaiset (Kindred Machines) focuses on the hidden…
16.–20.10.2024, Turku I Ingmar Bergmanin rakastettu klassikko ja klovneria kohtaavat Kömpelö, mutta yritteliäs klovni haluaa saada arvostusta taiteilijana tekemällä uudelleen Bergmanin kuuluisan klassikon, ja vielä paremmin kuin Bergman itse. Avuksi…
28.–29.8.2024 Helsinki, 7.–10.11.2024 Turku IThis performance invites babies from eight months up to two and a half years old to arrive at a theatre. They always come like royalty in…
15.10.–5.11.2024 Helsinki, 8.–9.11.2024 Turku I A grim apartment. Purgatory. An empty picture frame hangs on the wall, and a deserted birdcage rests on the table. Noora feels a tightness in…
8. & 12.5.2024, Helsinki, 29.8.2024 Fiskars I Come with us and follow the red, the yellow, the blue string…. Kerällä ( A Ball of String) is a rhytmical and colourful…
12.–13.4.2024. Praha, 19.–24.4.2024, Turku I Trial & Theatre stretches the scale of performing arts and does the smallest puppetry in the world. Nano Steps - Into the lab invites the…
10.2.2024, Villa Rana, Jyväskylä I Across the desert, behind our back. Up the mountain, down our spine. Over the sea, just under our nose. On the day the war broke…
23. & 24.2.2024 Helsinki I Get tickets Strong and empathic solo performance about finding one’s own strength. Siellä on lohtu ja rauha, irtipäästäminen, hiljaisuus lauha - ja paperinauha. POHJATAR is…
7.-8.2.2023 MANIPULATE Festival, Edinburgh, 10.2.2023 Seminaarinmäen nukketeatterifestivaali, Jyväskylä I A visually stunning solo performance for adults about challenges, dreams and perseverance. I am a desert, full of tumbleweeds. No flowers,…
30.6.–16.7.2023, Joutsa I 27.10.–5.11.2023 Turku I "Into the Wild" is a satirical, physical and visual theatre performance that through dark comedy guides us to restoring our relationship with nature, exploring…
"Into the Wild" is a satirical, physical and visual theatre performance that through dark comedy guides us to restoring our relationship with nature, exploring the ambivalent relationship humans have with…