8 Novemnber 2020 13:00- 15:30, Aura of Puppets, Manilla
Finnish Shadow Theatre Association: Colourful Shadows -open Workshop
Open Workshop for the whole family! Participants get to know the magical and colourful world of shadow theatre by creating imaginary beings. One can further continue playing with lights and shadows at home or outside in the evening-time. Children can attend the workshop accompanied by an adult. Participants of all ages are welcome. Making paper silhouettes requires some scissor-handling skills and the instructors will help children in cutting shapes and forms in needed.
Tytti Marttila is puppet artist graduated from Turku Arts Academy’s Puppet Theatre Department. She has studied and taught shadow theatre tecniques and is the founding member of Shadow Theatre Association Finland.
8 November 2020 from 1p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Aura of Puppets, Manilla, Itäinen Rantakatu 64, Turku
Free entry
Workshop is ongoing so participants can drop in when convenient. Maximum amount of persons admitted at a time is 20 pax. to ensure the safety of participants.