Turku International Puppetry Festivalin ilme vuodelle 2021


Turku International Puppetry Festival is held 3 to 7 November 2021

This year Turku International Puppetry Festival gathers all puppet art friends and professionals together to join the 12th edition of TIP-Fest. This time the festival focuses on sound, music and rhythm on stage.

Music and sound design are strong means in creating affection on stage. They build and strengthen the performance’s atmosphere, affecting our feelings instantly. When we hear music, our bodies and mind synchronize with it. In performances without words, the emphasis of rhythm, sound and music is further enforced. Music and soundscapes create an on-stage language, intertwining in a dialogue between events and the scenographic visuality.

Music, sound and rhythm are present in many ways in this year’s festival programme. TIP-Fest invites everyone to dive deep within puppet theatre -keep your ears wide open and take part in discussions concerning music in visual theater, soundscapes and other topics!
Welcome to Manilla Culture Factory!

Tickets are sold from Aura of Puppets Holvi web Shop.
For Sopukka stage tickets are sold directly from Turku city theatre.

Festival programme

Wednesday 3 November

18:00 Poor Butterfly Turku city Theatre (adults)

19:00 Opening ceremony Manilla courtyard (free entry)

20:00 Ennen Peukalo-Liisaa TEHDAS Theatre (adults)

20:00 Poor ButterflyTurku city Theatre (adults)

THURSDAY 4 November 

09:00 Pipu Manilla’s Vanha viinatehdas (children 0 to 5 y.o.)

11:00 Pipu Manilla’s Vanha viinatehdas (children 0 to 5 y.o.)

19:00 Before Thumbelina TEHDAS Theatre (adults)

FRIDAY 5 November

10:00-14:00 Workshop: Musical perspective of object & puppet theatre by Matija Solce, Manilla SOLD OUT

17:00  Weight of the Clouds Turku City Theatre (for adults)

19:00 Being Don Quichotte TEHDAS Theatre (for adults) SOLD OUT

20:00 Weight of the Clouds Turku City Theatre (for adults)

21:00 Festival club: Jam session and short films Manillan Vanha Viinatehdas (free entry)

SATURDAY 6 November 

11:00 A wise man named Matti and other stories Manilla Vanha Viinatehdas (For children 3 y.o.+ and families)

12:00 Guarattelle Pulcinella Napoletane Tehdas Theatre (for children and adults)

13:00 A wise man named Matti and other stories Manilla Vanha Viinatehdas (For children 3 y.o.+ and families)

14:00 Little Match Seller, stream Dana-stage (8+)

16:00 The Unmentionable TEHDAS Theatre Vintti stage (for adults) SOLD OUT

18:30 The Unmentionable TEHDAS Theatre Vintti stage (for adults) SOLD OUT

20:00 Guarattelle Pulcinella Napoletane Tehdas Theatre (for adults) SOLD OUT

SUNDAY 7 November 

11:00 Hula Hula Manilla’s Dana-stage (for children 5 to 8 y.o.)

12:00-17:00 Halisfest performances and workshops in Halinen area at HUUDI (for families, free entry) 

12:30 Princess Pikkiriikki – The Hero of all Naughties Tehdas Theatre Vintti stage (families and children 5 to 12 y.o.) SOLD OUT

14:00  Hula Hula Manilla’s Dana-stage (for children 5 to 8 y.o.)

15:30 Princess Pikkiriikki – The Hero of all Naughties Tehdas Theatre Vintti stage (families and children 5 to 12 y.o.) SOLD OUT

See full programme


Opening ceremony

Wednesday at 7 pm in Manilla As the night falls the white whale from Huoneiden kirja (Book of Rooms) swims to Manilla courtyard. Beluga the

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Festival club

Friday 5 November at 9 pm in Manilla I TIP-Fest’s very own festival club is held in the warm milieu of an old spirits factory

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TIP-Fest for theatre professionals

TIP-fest invites all professionals to join our online programme curated especially for theatre presenters, heads of program and puppet art professionals.

Get a sneak peak to Finnish puppetry scene – what is bubbling under and what is up-and-coming?

We are also motivated to build bridges between professionals across the globe oline. The programme is free of costs but registration is needed. See more here.


Production: Aura of Puppets 
Artistic directors: Roosa HalmeAnna Nekrassova and Outi Sippola: tipfest@auraofpuppets.com
Producer: Lotta Valtanen lotta@auraofpuppets.com, +358 41 486 1222  

Media and other inquiries: info@auraofpuppets.com

Festival is supported by
Main partners: Pro Manilla Foundation, TEHDAS Theater
Sponsors: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Turku, Finnish Cultural Funds  Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund, Turku Theatre Foundation, Ministry of Education and Culture.

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